Meet Preeti.

With my Master’s in Public Health, certifications in holistic health, lifestyle coaching, yoga, meditation, and breathwork, advanced certifications in both gut and hormone health—and a long career in fashion—I love helping people transform from the inside out.

I have coached clients—and at times myself—through disordered eating, body transformation, grief from loss, seeking love and approval from the wrong places, gut health issues, hormonal health issues, adrenal fatigue, dysfunctional professional and personal relationships, perfectionism, marriage, and motherhood.

I am a native New Yorker and spend most of my time in New York City but retreat to my home in the Catskills often, to heal from city living and connect to nature. I am married to the love of my life and have three beautiful children who teach me every day through our journey together. I am grateful for every interesting twist and turn in my life because it has brought me exactly where I am meant to be now: doing work I love, live and share, from the heart, mind, body, and soul.


My journey has been self-directed and messy at times but it’s through the mess and cracks of my life that I have found the most growth, light, and expansion.